Day 9 1/2 update

Well the water eventually  came back on and the town rejoiced. Of course this  all happened when Ellis and I were trying to buy some micro SD cards in town. Never mind we had water again and everyone was happy. The whole town had been without water since yesterday.

One thing about eating in Kyrgyzstan, throw out the western traditions. You meal does not necessarily come out in traditional order. Tonight our mains got to the table before our soup, while others were still finishing entree and main courses at the same time while their soup arrived.

At dinner we had a cultural show by some local dancers. Of course they eventually try and get people up to dance with them. No matter how  hard they tried, they couldnt get  anyone to dance with them. The age of shivalry is not dead yet. After seeing several  rejections I got  up with them and embarrassed myself with my grandpa style of dancing. I am pretty sure they appreciated me stepping up to the plate.
If you really  must see the video. Here it is

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